Skin Care: The most common mistakes and common myths
Skin cleansing -
Dermatologist emphasizes that skin cleansing is the very foundation of skin care routine. If we do not, there will be no point in either the serums, the creams, or any other good, expensive skin care products, as they will not be able to be used properly. Therefore, the skin should be cleaned and done according to your skin type. Very important skin cleansing is oily and problematic skin, because if this type of skin is not cleaned, it becomes even more problematic, new rash develops. The cleaning of dry and sensitive skin, on the other hand, should be very gentle and gentle to avoid irritation.
It is recommended to clean the skin twice a day -
Milk and tonic are classically used for dry skin cleansing. The milk is applied to the face and removed with a wipe or cotton swab and rinsed with water or, if we do not want to use tap water, use water or water and use a moisturizing facial toner or combined with micellar water. Only micellar water can also be used as it is designed to cleanse the skin from cosmetics, dirt and all that is unnecessary, as well as to moisturize it and create a normal pH.
For oily, problematic skin with very pronounced grease, rinse aids should be used -
The beauty consultant recalls that each skin type will have its own type and means of removing cosmetics, so it is advisable to find out the type of skin, the current condition, and use the appropriate products. The skin type can be quickly and easily determined at the pharmacy by signing in at the time and place you prefer.
Daily routine is very important -
For dry and sensitive skin it is recommended to use milk because it is softer and gentle cleanses the skin. However, ladies who use a lot of decorative cosmetics and especially water-
The range of products is wide -
"Minimum" skin cleansing -
The dermatologist considers micellar water as the absolute minimum and the most universal means for skin cleansing -
Common mistakes
A physician-
Inadequate treatment can also lead to problems such as fatigue and rash. Of course, a very scrupulous look should be made in the case of dry and sensitive skin, which should be cleaned very delicately to avoid damaging the skin.
In turn, the beauty consultant most often observed excessive use of facial scrubs and abrasives. People sometimes feel -
We also use creams that are too thick, for the whole body or for some other purpose. Such mistakes can contribute to the formation of comedones, fatigue and other inadequate skin reactions, the specialist explains.
The most common myths
To make the skin beautiful, drink plenty of water. Specialists emphasize that although water really is
Exercises for the treatment and prevention of flat feet
Flat foot affects 50% of the world's population. But only a small percentage of people sound the alarm and try to fight this disease. Consider how flat feet happen.
Types of flat feet
Flatfoot happens:
1. Congenital
It can be inherited, occur at birth due to a weakened tone of muscles and ligaments, with atrophy of the lower extremities of the body.
2. Acquired
It is formed with constant loads on the legs: with intensive work on the legs, in athletes with constant weight lifting. Flat feet are also characteristic of overweight people. May form during pregnancy. Inconvenient shoes, especially characteristic for children who are doing military service in the army, also contribute to the onset of the disease.
There are different types of flat feet: rigid and mobile, longitudinal and transverse.
We will not go deep into anatomy and physiology. It is best to consult with doctors: an orthopedist and an osteopath.
Exercises for the treatment and prevention of flat feet
The most important thing in the fight against flat feet is the training of the muscles of the foot to develop the arch of the foot and its mobility.
For classes you will need massage balls of different stiffness, massage mats, rollers, small pebbles, a towel and even pencils.